Gigi Marino is a communication strategist, editor, publicist, content producer, science writer, and writing professor with 25+ years' of experience in higher-ed communications and PR. B2B, B2C, SEO.
AI- or Human-Written Scripts? It May Not Make a Difference to Viewers
The Hollywood writers and actors strike has dominated the news this summer. The use — or misuse — of generative artificial intelligence lies at the heart of the matter.
SMU Nurse Anesthetist Leads on Diversity at UCLA
A founding member of the UCLA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee for the anesthesiology department, Jamilla Churchill, CRNA ’16, is among the mere 2% of African American nurse anesthetists in the U.S.
When It Comes to Communicating Sea-Level Rise, Hope Wins
As we are weathering the hottest summer in human history, there’s little question that climate change is upon us. And effective science communication is more important than ever, particularly for members of Gen Z, who will soon become the caretakers of the planet and the problem-solvers in a world where both temperatures and sea level are spiking.
Crisis Communications Commentary: The 5-T Approach
A poorly handled crisis can bring down both individuals and businesses. Just ask BP about its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Or Phillips Morris, which said smoking-related deaths saved the government money on health care and pensions.
Around the World in 8 Days
With passion and purpose, Tars set out this past spring break to explore real-world issues and grow as global citizens — whether it was exploring the remains of Viking settlements, learning about turtle conservation in the Caribbean, or examining issues of race in our nation’s capital.
Life on a Farm
In the winter-blue light of the Pennsylvania dawn, Caroline Fiske Owens leads 12 sleepy-eyed children across the frozen mud to her barn, where a ewe is giving birth. The children are stunned into silence as Caroline helps the animal deliver twin lambs.
Talking about Roe in the Workplace
The Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade has made a polarizing subject even more polarizing. People are going to be talking about it in the workplace, so leadership should recognize this, address it with their employees, and create a workplace environment where this issue can be talked about privately and safely.
Certain books can increase infant learning during shared reading, study shows
Parents and pediatricians know that reading to infants is a good thing, but new research shows reading books that clearly name and label people and objects is even better.
Research Feature: The Forgotten War
Historian Amy Greenberg says the U.S.–Mexican War set the stage for American imperialism, although few in this country know about it.
David Baskin Founded a Nonprofit to Benefit Israel's Poor
A soldier turns his talents toward philanthropy.
60 percent of bird species came from Australia
Researchers have traced all of the world's perching birds back to the land Down Under.
The Curious Origin of Space Rocks Large and Small
UF astronomer discovers the previously unknown origin of some asteroids.
Telling America’s Stories
Jack Davis, author of The Gulf — The Making of an American Sea, tells a remarkable story about the Gulf of Mexico.